Saturday 29 October 2011

Five Minutes that can change your life!!!

Would you like to earn $1.00-3.00 per day for a 7 minute work week?

Would you be willing to place one free ad a day and get paid by our company?

If You Answered Yes?......Keep Reading,

I'm looking for people who want to make a $1.00-3.00 or more each day for placing one Free ad. This takes 1-2 mins.

It's easy....if you can copy and paste, you will earn daily. The ads are pre-written and the advertising sites are pre chosen for you. (you can even place a quick ad on Facebook, Twitter or similar sites)

You sign up for a FREE account, place one ad today and earn within your first 24 hours. As a Free member you will have $100-150.00 in your account in 60 days, then you can upgrade for a few bucks and start to make much more. I've already grown my earnings to $35 a day in 2 months for placing the
same 1 minute ad. I upgraded early and referred people.

I know people earning $2000 a day already and this business is only 8 months old.

And of course, there is NO upfront cost to you.


Since the company launched 12 months ago, 100% of the active members have earned everyday, 100% of the time! And, these guys have never missed a payment on any of their businesses in 14 Years.

Even free members with no referrals can build to $3,000 a month in 20 months or so. We will show you how that's done as soon as you join for FREE.

This is real...the parent company is 14 years old.

see what my friend who sponsored me says...

Yes, you can earn many times more than $1.00+ a day as I and others are doing, but that's up to you. I'm just showing you the minimum average daily earnings for placing 1 ad a day.

You can start as a free member and build to $3,000 a month in 20 months without any downline or sponsoring anyone. I will show you how to do it. (Of course you can make it sooner if you tell a few friends.)

I have a few questions for you.

1. Would you rather click on 100-30 second ads to make a dollar or place one 2 minute ad?

2. Would you rather make .001 cent off a referral or $3.50 (10%) a day like my sponsor earns off my Account daily?

3. Will you let me help you reach $100-200 a month for placing one ad a day in the next 90 days? Yes....get involved for free today!

I don't want to complicate this. You sign up for free; learn how to place an ad; do the same thing every day for 2 minutes; earn money for a 14 minute work week.

Here are the few simple steps: What I like you to do...

1.Sign up for a FREE account under me. (don't upgrade) I will send you our Team site to get you started earning your first 24 hours.

Click here to Join

2. Log into your back office, choose an ad, then place your ad. You can watch a video on this in the tools section. (Remember, you can place an ad for your current biz too.)

3. Company system verifies the ad and you are done.

4. Continue to build your other business(es) while you earn from ours 14 minutes a week.

My friend, you have nothing to lose, but two minutes a day! Don't run across this company later and wish you would have contacted me.

Click here to Join

Email me : --> All your questions will be answered.

How do ZeekRewards earn money to pay us?

First let us know What is a Penny Auction?

If you are registered at eBay you know that you can place bids for free here. But in ZeekRewards site, bids are not free. Click here to see the live action of ZeekRewards For every bid you place, you need to pay a certain amount of money. If you click on the bid that you see in Live Auction Site, the price on that product would increase only by one cent or 2 cent, and for that bid you just placed you have to buy that bid before hand. The cost of that single bid presently is around 60 cents. So you loose 60 cents on that bid. If no one bids after your bid it will be a huge profit for you here, because you would have purchased the product for a huge discount. So ZeekRewards make money by selling the individual bids.

Now in detail how really does ZeekRewards make money!

Sometimes you can buy a laptop computer costing $400 for just $11 because after you no one had bid on the product. But why no one has bid on it? Its again simple they would have thought why waste money bidding let others bid and increase the price and after certain level we shall enter. Wow!

But will not ZeekRewards loose money here...

A Big No...

Usually the bid starts with $0.01 let us assume here it starts with $1. For a laptop to sell for $11 there would have been 1000 bids because each bid increases the price by 1 cent. When 1000 bids are placed, it cost a total of say 1000X$0.60 = $600. This means that the company earned $600, because it took 1000 bids to get the price of the item from $1 to $11. The cost of the product as you saw was $400 so here ZeekRewards has in fact sold the product for a profit of $200. This is the profit that ZeekRewards is sharing with us.

Hope you are not confused with the math problem. If you are then maybe visiting the Live Auction site could solve it for you.

Why should ZeekRewards wants to share their profits with their affiliates or members?

Now the answer for this too is simple...

They want to make their auction site very popular in a short period of time.

So they make us to place 1 ad a day to qualify for our share in the daily revenue.

Placing the ad is made so simple just 5 minutes is all that we need.

Obviously they want to expand and reach as many internet users as possible. Therefore they want you to share their great opportunity with others. So in addition to the revenue sharing you get for advertising they also reward you for sponsoring others. That is optional of course but if you do it could boost your income enormously!

Now you know how ZeekRewards could share their profits.

Exactly follow the method that you find in this video to post advertisement so that it will be easy for your to post advertisement.

Click here to Join

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